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A high-quality Science education provides the foundations for understanding the world. At St Nics, all pupils are taught essential aspects of the knowledge, methods, processes and uses of science. Through building up a body of key foundational knowledge and concepts, they are encouraged to recognise the power of rational explanation and develop a sense of excitement and curiosity about natural phenomena. They are encouraged to understand work scientifically through a range of practical tasks, always ‘thinking like a scientist’. 

The intent of our science curriculum

Our intent for the science curriculum is to ensure that all pupils:

•  Develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the specific scientific disciplines: biology, chemistry, physics and geology

•  Develop understanding of enquiry types, including observation, identifying and classifying and fair, comparative testing

•  Are equipped with the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of science, today and for the future.       


At St Nicholas CE Primary our principal aim is to develop children’s knowledge, skills, and understanding, as well as a sense of enjoyment in Science. We do this through whole-class and small group teaching, engaging the children with practical activities. We have adopted a child-led approach to Science, allowing children to investigate the questions that they want answers to, within their given unit. Through working scientifically, all children will gain the skills and knowledge to succeed. 

We encourage the children to ask, as well as answer, scientific questions. They have the opportunity to use a variety of data, such as statistics, graphs, pictures, and photographs. They use ICT in Science lessons where it enhances their learning. They take part in role-play and discussions and they present reports to the rest of the class. Wherever possible, we involve the pupils in practical activities as these increase enthusiasm and motivation and provide first-hand experience.



We track children’s progress in science across a unit of work, using mini-quizzes and how confidently they can use and explain our ‘Big 6’ vocabulary.  Every term teacher makes a summary judgement about the attainment of each pupil in relation to the units taught, and their ability to work scientifically.  These provide information to the teacher on any gaps in knowledge and understanding as well as providing the subject lead with the opportunities to identify areas for teacher CPD.




St Nicholas C of E Primary School
Sarajac Avenue
East Challow
OX12 9RY


01235 763858
