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History forms an integral part of the curriculum and through our teaching we aim to inspire our pupils’ curiosity to know more about the past and help them understand how events and people in the past have influenced the present. As well as providing a knowledge rich curriculum, the skills of enquiry are developed from early on, which promotes reflection, discussion and independence.


Our learning projects have been carefully chosen to stimulate curiousity and ensure skills are progressively built upon through their journey at St Nicholas CE Primary. Where appropriate, the ‘Mantle of the Expert’ is used to immerse children within fictional ‘stories, and the imaginary context is used to generate learning activities, with a focus on collaboration and discussion while building knowledge and understanding.

Opportunities to develop their understanding of the past are also provided through the use of artefacts, historical documents, including reports, photographs numerous written sources, newspaper articles and in Keystage 2 they are given opportunities to research using electronic media.

Throughout Key Stage 1 our pupils will develop an awareness of the past through the study of significant individuals who have achieved nationally and internationally. They will also study significant events linked to the local area as well as studying changes within living memory and those events beyond living memory that have had a significant impact nationally or globally.
In Key Stage 2 pupils will develop a secure understanding of local, British and world history, making connections and contrasts over time as well as using appropriate historical vocabulary and having a greater appreciation of chronology. The use of an enquiry-based approach is fundamental to the subject, and the children are taught how to ask, investigate and answer questions. This enquiry-based learning allows opportunities for collaborative work as well as independent research.



Our History curriculum provides numerous opportunities for our children to develop independent study skills, alongside the skills of collaboration and reflection which they can apply across other subjects. We measure the impact of our curriculum through the following methods: reflection on standards achieved against the planned outcomes, pupil discussions about their learning and in their enthusiasm and curiosity about the subjects studied. As historians, the aim is for children to develop enquiry-based skills they can use beyond school and into adulthood, alongside a cultural capital which enables them to enjoy ‘life in all its fullness’


St Nicholas C of E Primary School
Sarajac Avenue
East Challow
OX12 9RY


01235 763858
