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School Timings

At St Nics, we open our school gates by 8:40am each morning.  

School and Nursery start time - 9am
finish time - 3:15pm

The children should be in school and settled by 9am for the register and the start of the school day.  Registers will be 'closed' at 9:10 and any child arriving after this time will be marked as late.

The gates to the school will be closed at 9am and, should any child require access to the school after this time, they will need to buzz through to the office via the main green gate to the side of school building.

Should your child need to be collected from school during the school day, please collect them from the main school office.





St Nicholas C of E Primary School
Sarajac Avenue
East Challow
OX12 9RY


01235 763858
