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Curriculum Vision Statement 

Here at St Nicholas Primary School we offer a rich and engaging school experience for all children which is underpinned by our belief in ‘life in all its fullness’ (John 10:10).

We recognise that each child is unique with their own natural curiosity for learning. Therefore, we strive to achieve a curriculum which is creative and ambitious that excites and challenges each and every child in our school whilst preparing them with the knowledge and skills needed for the next stage in their education and as future members of our local and global community. We highly value our partnerships with families, the church, and the local community to support our culture of equality and aspiration.

Curriculum Intent 

The aims of our curriculum are to:

  • create lifelong, inspired learners.
  • provide rich, aspirational experiences.
  • develop resilient, confident, and well-rounded individuals.
  • ensure all children achieve their full potential.
  • promote our Christian ethos.

Through our curriculum we want our children to be:

  • caring, active members of our local community.
  • resilient and driven learners.
  • confident and expressive individuals.
  • tolerant and respectful of others.
  • creative and inquisitive thinkers.


Our curriculum is based on inspirational learning activities that allow children to learn in a way that motivates and interests them. 

All projects are coherently planned with a progressive development and understanding of key knowledge, skills and concepts, which are revisited within and across the year groups.

Every year group will experience 6 projects in a year. Each term we update our website with information about the upcoming project and learning that your child will be undertaking. We also provide information and resources for you to explore with your child at home.

Each of the exciting projects will have a memorable experience, with opportunities for the children to develop their knowledge and skills, exploration of how they can use and apply the knowledge and skills they have been taught as well as an opportunity to express what they have learnt to you and other audiences. 

Curriculum Lead at St Nicholas CE Primary is Mrs Michelle Rooke. 




St Nicholas C of E Primary School
Sarajac Avenue
East Challow
OX12 9RY


01235 763858
