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Wrens - Nursery

We have limited spaces available in our Nursery class.  For further information, please speak to Miss Riggs (01235 763858), or email the school office.

Welcome to Wrens, our Nursery class, at St Nicholas. 

Wrens are taught by Mrs Rudzinska and supported by Mrs Milner and Mr Mackay.

Values and Ethos 

We are committed to providing a safe and stimulating learning environment that supports young children in developing and extending their knowledge and skills. 

We work to achieve this by: 

  • Nurturing warm and positive relationships between staff, children and their families. 

  • Providing high quality education and care where children are able to learn through play and first-hand experiences both indoors and outside. 

  • Supporting children in achieving their potential through high expectations and providing good role models 

About Us 

 We currently provide 15 Nursery places per session, extending to 21 on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. 

These are available for children to start in the term following their third birthday in accordance with our Admissions Policy.  

Children are eligible for a minimum of fifteen hours of funded provision per week, with working parents able to claim extra hours of funded provision subject to availability.   


Admissions Procedure 

If you would like to visit the Nursery please contact the school office.  An Expression of Interest Form for a Nursery place can be found here: Nursery Interest Form

Session times:  

 Morning session: 8.45am – 11:45am 

Afternoon session: 12:15pm – 3:15pm 

Full day: 8.45am – 3:15pm 

The two publications below will provide you with lots of useful information:  



Nursery Curriculum 

In the Nursery we offer a broad and balanced play-based curriculum designed to help the children develop socially, emotionally, physically and academically. Our curriculum is based on “Development Matters in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).” The areas of learning covered are: 

  •  Personal, Social and Emotional Development      
  • Physical Development 
  • Communication and Language 
  • Literacy 
  • Mathematics 
  • Understanding the World 
  • Expressive Arts and Design 

 How your child learns is as important as what they learn. Concentration, motivation and the resilience to solve problems and learn from mistakes are qualities which we aim to encourage. These qualities are known as the Characteristics of Learning. 

This stage of learning is referred to as the Early Years Foundation Stage and covers the years prior to children entering Year 1 in their primary school. It will include their time in the Nursery and their time in a Reception class. 

Our EYFS policy at the top of this page which gives more information on assessment and learning. 

 Special Educational Needs 

 Children with special educational needs have learning difficulties or disabilities that make is harder for them to learn than most children of the same age. They may need extra or different help from that given to other children in the class. You will always be consulted about this and your views and knowledge of your child will be valued. 

 As a school we follow the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice when identifying, assessing and providing help for your children with special educational needs. A copy of this document along with our Special Educational Needs and Behaviour Policies are available on our SEND page and in the school office for you to read if you wish. 

Transfer to Primary School 

 Applications for Primary School are made to Oxfordshire County Council between September and December each year for starting school the following academic year. 

 Please note, a place in our Nursery class does not guarantee a place in Reception at St Nics.

If you have any queries about the application procedure, please ask at the school office. 

 Remember to apply for your child’s place at Primary School. 

  Please visit  Oxfordshire County Council Admissions page for more information. 

Does my child need to were school uniform?

Uniform is not compulsory in our pre-school class. Ultimately, we request that children are dressed in comfortable, sensible clothing, ready for a day of creativity and exploration! Children should have trainers for indoors and be provided with wellies for outside, as we encourage the children to use our outdoor spaces as much as possible.


Nursery Education Funding

Children are usually eligible for the funding in the term after they turn 3 years old. Some children are also entitled to 2 year old funding. More details can be found here.





St Nicholas C of E Primary School
Sarajac Avenue
East Challow
OX12 9RY


01235 763858
