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Collective Worship and Spiritual Development



At St Nics, we aspire to nurture an inclusive community where every individual is loved and valued for who they are, so that they recognise and realise their unique talents and potential.

We offer the opportunity for children to experience Collective Worship each day, whether this be as a whole school, as a class or in smaller groups.  Spiritual development at St Nic’s is about loving and valuing self, others, world around and, for some, a love of God.



Our Prayer of the Month

As a Church of England school, we recognise that religious beliefs are part of a child's spiritual development. While collective worship provides children with the opportunity for deep thought, spirituality itself is a moment or experience that allows children to reflect on their own beliefs and views.

A spiritual experience can be described by how something makes you feel; reflections on a piece of art, the feeling of wind in your hair, a memory, a reaction to a landscape - a 'wow' moment.

Through our ethos, environment and curriculum, we attempt to enhance a child's spirituality.

A child who has developed their spirituality can - 

  • listen
  • be still in body but lively in mind
  • use all their senses
  • be reflective – with time to sit and ponder
  • feel sympathetically for and with others
  • question 
  • express oneself
  • engage in mind, body, soul, spirit
  • develop a spirit of enquiry
  • think and use their imagination
Indicators of spiritual intelligence

A capacity to wonder 

The ability to see beyond the here and now 

The quality of being inspired by vision and values 

The capacity to be flexible 

A capacity for unconditional love 

A high degree of self-awareness 

A capacity to face and use suffering 

A capacity to face and transcend pain 

A passion to create and share meaning 

The facility to work against convention 

A marked tendency to ask the ‘why’ or ‘what if’ ??? 

A reluctance to cause unnecessary harm 

A tendency to see connections

D. Zohar and I. Marshall “Spiritual Intelligence – The Ultimate Intelligence”

Through our curriculum, we spark imagination and give children the opportunity to question.  As part of the 'st nics community' our families feel a sense of belonging and being part of a nurturing team.

The way in which our staff interact with each other, and the children who attend school, is one that builds confidence through reflective conversations.  The sense of calm around the school is supported by routines and high expectations, giving a safe and predictable learning environment.

Our values of belonging, resilience and courage are echoed throughout daily experiences at St Nics, to equip children with the ability to manage the 'ows' and 'wows' in life, and to truly flourish.



St Nicholas C of E Primary School
Sarajac Avenue
East Challow
OX12 9RY


01235 763858
